Hmmmm.... Best day of my life? I don't think I could pick just one. Honestly it's probably 3 or 4 best days of my life.
The first would have to be the day my husband asked me to go "steady" with him. No, we are not 60 years old. It was June 29th, 2000 and I was between my sophomore and junior years at college. We were supposed to go to the shore, but my husband had a terrible sinus infection. I went over to his place to take care of him. He was so touched, he asked me to "go steady" with him. Yes, he really did say that.
The next would have to be our wedding day. It was a gorgeous day in early May. I made him cry with my vows. It was so sweet. We had a splendid time celebrating with friends and family. We spent the night in a hotel far from our guests and talked about our dreams as newlyweds.
The third, by far, was the day I found out I was pregnant. We had tried for so long with no luck. We were both adamant about not wanting to pursue IVF, but had just started to consult with a fertility doctor for testing and minimal assistance. Turned out we didn't need any. I got pregnant while we were being evaluated. I found out on a Thursday. It was Veterans Day and we were off from work. My husband took the car to the dealer and I slept in. I only tested because I was off and I had realized the day before that blue cheese tasted rotten (I LOVE blue cheeses!) and I had NO symptoms unlike every other cycle. I took the test and walked away as I just expected it to be negative. Imagine my shock when I walked back in and saw a very faint pink line!!! I immediately grabbed the test, drove to Target to get something that said daddy (it was some baby towels), wrapping stuff, and headed to the car dealer. My husband was definitely confused when I showed up there. When he finally came out to the car and opened the present, all he could say was, "Are you sure?" After buying and taking three more kinds of tests, including a digital one, it finally sunk in for him and he was just as thrilled!
The fourth day for me was the day I finally met my son. It was such an awesome feeling to see his tiny little face and hold him in my arms after the many months of him growing inside me. He really did look so much like his ultrasound pictures from about 20 weeks before. Hearing him cry for the first time was just amazing. Holding him and inspecting his tiny fingers and toes was just so very awesome. Realizing that he was our son was the best feeling in the world.
I look forward to many more best days with both my husband, son, and any future children (most likely just one more even though my husband jokes about twins!).
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how sweet... i have seen many of my girl friends cried while their wedding matrimony but I never seen any man cried.. haha.. wish you family all happiness and blessings.. ^^