Sunday, April 7, 2013

Easter Fun & Other Updates

I've been absent because I had started writing another post about a recipe experiment, but I have been unable to finish it for some reason.  I don't know exactly why, but I think some of it is that I just didn't really feel inspired about it anymore.  So instead of moving on, I let it clog the writing drain.  But I'm just leaving it in draft for now and it will be done if I ever feel like coming back to it.

Last weekend was Easter and since dude-y is almost 2, I decided we had to do more for Easter than we did last year.  So, for starters we dyed eggs.  It was so much fun.  He helped drop the eggs into the dye and told us whether they "needs more" or "done." He also got an Easter basket this year chock full of sugar and a new shirt.
Dude-y's Elmo Halloween bucket made a great Easter basket as well!

After he got his basket, we put his new shirt on him and took him to church.  What? Church you say? Since when did you start going to church again?  Well, it's been close to a month and a half that we started going to church most weekends.  It's not the Catholic Church like either of us grew up with.  We felt the need to raise dude-y with some kind of religious or spiritual tradition, but were not sure we wanted to return to the Catholic Church.  Anyway, I'll save the nitty gritty details for another post.  There was a great service, an Easter egg hunt for the children, and a spaghetti lunch after.  We all had a wonderful time and dude-y has been making friends.

Looking for eggs.

I've also been really busy taking dude-y to playgrounds and parks since he's such a lover of the outdoors.  I swear the kid could live outside.  He doesn't care if it's hot, cold, windy, sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.  He wants to be outside.  So, I've been spending a lot more of my free time outside letting him run around and have fun.  I love getting outside myself, so now that's it's nice we can both be comfortable for a much longer time.  Plus soaking up the sun makes everyone feel better!
Making mommy ride in the car with him.

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